Navigating the Changing Role of Facilities Management and Real Estate Leaders in 2024

Isn’t it remarkable how much the role of facilities management and real estate leaders has changed in recent years? From being primarily responsible for day-to-day operations and maintenance, you now have a front-row seat to the strategic direction of your organization and are being asked to impact real business challenges and outcomes.

We work with leaders in your space every day, so we know how challenging and nuanced the past several years have been. As we venture into the second half of 2024, let’s take a moment to recognize (and applaud) the unprecedented obstacles you’ve already overcome and explore innovative solutions to keep you moving forward.

The Changing Landscape of Facilities Management

Facilities and real estate leaders have always been tasked with a range of responsibilities. Now, with the rise of remote and hybrid work models, the demands on your team have only increased.

Your teams have had to shift their focus to creating flexible, adaptable workspaces that support a diverse range of work styles and collaboration needs. At the same time, planning ahead and making sure that the physical workspace meets the current and future needs of employees.

With the move to flexible working, more than ever, facilities management teams are at the forefront of driving cost savings, optimizing resource allocation, improving efficiency, and promoting sustainability within their organizations. All while juggling competing priorities and limited resources.

No small task, right? But you’re doing it. You’ve emerged nearly halfway through 2024 with likely a very different mindset and range of priorities than just a few years ago. So, let’s look ahead to what’s next.

Solutions for Modern Facilities Management

With the learnings of the past few years, we know (as do you) that no one solution or off-the-shelf SaaS product can meet the complex challenges that modern facilities management teams face. As facilities and real estate leaders shift to a data-centric approach, the pros of this can also often be coupled with new headaches.

The biggest one we hear from our clients is that data from different sources is siloed and that alone, each data source often paints a different picture of how your spaces are being used. This leads to confusion and apprehension for how to best plan.

But we’re here to help. Our innovative solutions are designed to streamline operations, drive data integrity, and clearly illustrate the full story of your space.

We work with the technology you already have and take a bespoke approach to helping you build an integrated picture of space utilization. Here’s how:

1. Discovery and Integration

Our team takes the time to understand the full scope of your portfolio and the problems, headaches, and goals that are at the top of your list. We then consider what technology you already have in place and integrate those data sources to create a starting point for analysis. For instance, by integrating sensor technology, desk booking systems, and access control systems, we can provide a multifaceted view of current space usage.

2. Drive Data Integrity

A critical element of successful analysis is knowing where the data may be wrong. If you have a turnstile entry vs. a door, you will likely get different feedback from your card swipe data. We analyze the data input and highlight areas that may be skewing the overall picture, and by how much.

3. Establish Your Baseline

With an integrated dashboard of data and clear visibility into blind spots, you can now start to see which spaces are being used, by whom, how often, when, and any number of other custom filters that matter to you. This establishes your baseline analysis.

4. Custom Planning

Once you have your baseline analysis, the sky is the limit for how you use this information. Whether you are looking to right-size your real estate portfolio, operate more efficiently with what you have, or drive a better employee in-office experience, our platform creates a powerful space to do just that. Now scenario planning is customized to you and your precise needs through one integrated dashboard.


As you navigate the changing landscape of facilities management and real estate leadership in 2024, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Our innovative solutions are designed to streamline operations, drive data integrity, and provide valuable insights into space utilization within your facilities.

To learn more about how our integrated solutions can help you create a baseline analysis of space usage and set you up for success in the second half of 2024, contact us today.