5 Fast Ways to Make Hybrid Working Work Better

Being able to pivot professionally and channel your inner resilience have never been more important than in the past two years. As many companies shift, yet again, to a hybrid working structure (i.e. a mix of days working at home and in the office), here are 5 fast ways you can make hybrid working, work better for you!

  1. Invest in tech

High(er) speed internet at home, an upgrade to a new lightweight laptop, a portable external storage device to back up your work, or a second screen for your home office, what technology investments do you need to make, to make your life easier? Hybrid working will not be short lived, so struggling through with substandard technology is no longer acceptable. Now is the time to invest. Your increased output and peace of mind are worth the upfront spend.

2. Get the gadgets

Gadgets that simplify your new routine are essential for hybrid working. For instance, getting an extra laptop charger to leave at the office is a small but meaningful way to streamline your life. Wireless headphones, USB hubs, and even a sleek new work bag to carry everything are other small upgrades that can have a big impact.

3. Replicate your office at home

If you are still working from your bed or kitchen table, it’s time to make the shift and take your home office set up seriously! Working from home is not a one-off perk, it’s part of your normal working schedule and your output needs to be the same no matter where you are working.

A dedicated space for your desk, an ergonomic chair, laptop stand, and even an actual phone that replicates your office one will help make moving between desks less disruptive. If you need help, our team at Capella can get your home office safe and functional in no time. Contact us to learn more!

4. Go paperless

Good for the environment and great for hybrid working! Less paper to lug (or lose) between home and the office is an important workstyle shift you need to make. Of course, some industries are more paper-heavy than others, but whenever possible it’s good to get into the habit of utilizing the cloud for your documents, to-do lists, and notes. This also makes sharing with colleagues easier when you are not physically located in the same office.

5. Automate transparency

Fluid transparency between teams is essential for hybrid working to be a success. Stop and ask yourself how many emails you send, or how much time you devote to finding or gathering the people you need to get your work done. Knowing where your teammates are each day, and easy coordination to be sure you are in the same place when you need to be, will be one of the defining factors of efficient hybrid working.

Thankfully, Capella makes this easy with our Hybrid Working Platform. You can book everything you need, from a desk or meeting room, to parking, and even lunch with a colleague, all in one place. Integrate your schedule with your calendar and track your individual trends over time. It’s just the tip of the iceberg of how Capella can make hybrid working, work better for you!

Capella’s hybrid working platform. Everything you need for hybrid working in one place!

The way we work has changed, so it’s time to ask yourself if your day to day habits need a refresh as well. Investing in technology and gadgets to streamline your routine, utilizing the cloud rather than paper, upgrading your home office, and automating transparency are easy ways to keep up and thrive as a hybrid employee!